Instructions to Violet

Being a young dog who’s rather full of juice, as they say, Violet needs to learn a lot of things. Here are a few of the instructions that we give her from time to time, beyond “Stay” and “Come”:

So much to learn

“The couch is not a napkin.”
“Your mother’s lap is not a
butt-chewing platform.”
“Get your snout off the table.”
“Get your face out of that trash can.”
“Gus is not a chew toy.”
“Out! Out!”
“Drop it right now.”

2 Responses to Instructions to Violet

  1. Arthur Salm says:

    Puppies know nothing. NOTHING. Every single thing has to be learned. Alice is almost four now, but here’s some stuff she still has to be told:
    *”That’s an outside toy, not an inside toy.”
    *”Do NOT chase the cats.”
    *”LEAVE IT! What is it with you and Kleenex?”
    *”Stop sulking — we’ll come back. We ALWAYS come back.”

    Maybe she could help Violet along. Open invitation, remember.

  2. gordon says:

    Violet could use a mentor. Alice might fill the bill. Still, it gives me paws to think she still doesn’t know the difference between an outside and an inside toy. That’s pretty basic.

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